martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Vocabulary Sense Organs

  • Cornea: Clear, protective covering on the outside of the eye that helps focus light.

  • Hyperopia: Vision problem in which distant objects are clear but nearby objects look blurry; also called farsightedness.

  • Iris: Colored structure at the front of the eye.

  • Lens: Clear, curved structure in the eye that focuses light on the retina.

  • Myopia: Vision problem in which nearby objects are clear but distant objects look blurry; also called nearsightedness.

  • Pupil: Black opening in the iris that lets light enter the eye.

  • Retina: Layer of light-sensing cells that covers the back of the eye.

  • Vision: Ability to see light.

  • Anvil: Second of three tiny bones that pass vibrations through the ear.

  • Cochlea: Liquid-filled structure in the ear that senses vibrations and generates nerve impulses in response.

  • Ear: Sense organ that detects sound.

  • Ear canal: Tube-shaped opening in the ear that carries sound waves to the eardrum. Eardrum: Membrane in the ear that vibrates when sound waves hit it.

  • Hammer: First of three tiny bones that pass vibrations through the ear.

  • Hearing: Ability to sense sound.

  • Oval window: Membrane in the ear that passes vibrations from the stirrup to the cochlea.

  • Pinna: Outer part of the ear that gathers sound waves.

  • Semicircular canals: Liquid-filled part of the ear that senses changes in position and generates nerve impulses in response.

  • Smell: Ability to perceive odors.

  • Stirrup: Last of three tiny bones that pass vibrations through the ear.

  • Taste buds: Tiny bumps on the tongue that contain taste neurons.

  • Touch: Sense of pain, pressure, or temperature.

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